10 by 10 with Amber Saunders

We take 10 minutes out of Amber’s day to find out more about her through 10 quickfire questions:

Describe yourself in three words. 
Happy, positive, motivated.

What do you do at the CMJ and how long have you worked there? 
I am the Director of Membership Development and have worked at the CMJ now for two and a half years. I am here to ensure our retailers and suppliers are being well managed by my team and am responsible for the growth and development of the CMJ in line with our company strategy.

What experience led you to being in the role you are in now?
I have grown up in the jewellery industry, having first been introduced to the trade by my father who had a jewellery retail business himself and was a CMJ member. Having worked in my father’s business, I then ventured across to the supplier side of the industry working for IBB and then Brown & Newirth where I worked for almost 10 years, moving through the ranks to become a member of their senior management team. Having experienced the CMJ from both a retailer and supplier perspective, this has given me the understanding needed to be sympathetic to the needs of our membership. 

What do you like most about your job?
The variety, having such an amazing team and colleagues and the challenges. We have two sets of ‘customers’ at the CMJ – our retailers and suppliers which is quite unusual, and you never know what you’re going to be asked next!

What’s been your most memorable moment since working at the CMJ?
Having to stand in for our business leader at a live panel interview on stage at the IJL trade show with only 10 minutes notice. Very nerve wracking but I think I managed to wing it! 

What do you enjoy most about working in the jewellery industry?
The people. We truly have some great people who genuinely care about the future of our industry and I always enjoy getting together with peers in the trade and there is always something new to learn. 

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Having fun with my two daughters and husband, especially on our skiing holidays!

What was the last book you read?
I honestly can’t remember – I never seem to have time to read unfortunately.

Who is your inspiration?
I’m inspired by lots of different people to be honest. My Dad was my first inspiration to get into the jewellery trade and who taught me about retail but also Gary Williams who was my boss and mentor whilst I was at Brown & Newirth who I learnt such a lot from. Strong women in business also provide inspiration such as Baroness Karen Brady and Mary Portas. 

Who would be your three dream dinner party guests?
Freddie Mercury, Barak Obama, Tom Hardy.

Thank you for reading more about Amber, keep your eyes peeled for the next member of our ECOM team.

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